Casos Exitosos
The Enterprise Park, Forres, based in Scotland and developed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, was designed to bring talent and jobs into the area. Already home to a number of innovative and successful businesses, the Park continues to expand and attract new companies. The Park has recently adopted IP solutions from VIVOTEK to support its high-end positioning and to ensure tenants are confident with the security measures in place. Having experienced some low level vandalism, fly tipping and so on, Highlands and Islands Enterprise wanted to ensure that their tenants felt entirely secure and confident in the security of the Park. “Although there’d only been a couple of minor incidents, we decided to nip the problem in the bud and invest in a CCTV system,” notes Scott McKnockiter, Development Manager at Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Bartec Fire & Security was the winner of the tender.
The 2-Megapixel VIVOTEK FD8361 with tamper detection was the chosen solution. Many units of the fixed domes, via Power over Ethernet (PoE), have been positioned around the business park. Thanks to its 3-axis mechanical design for easy and highly versatile installations, this outdoor-friendly masterpiece could be mounted virtually anywhere on the premises. Equipped with vandal-proof as well as IP66-rated housing, the fixed dome is capable of performing well in outdoor environments all over the business park. Additionally, the Day & Night functionality and built-in IR illuminators (effective up to 20 meters), help to ensure excellent image quality around the clock. On the client’s side, bandwidth efficiency is extremely important. Technologies such as multiple streams, video cropping and activity adaptive streaming for dynamic frame rate control are available on the FD8361 – effective for solving any potential bandwidth issues. Also, an RDT radio transmission system uses receivers on the host buildings to transmit images back to the central monitoring station in the main Enterprise building. Bartec worked with Norbain Service Plus for on-site coordination and support. Norbain Service Plus offers customers a range of resources, designed to complement their own skill sets. This additional support can be used to reduce the risk of installations, minimize time spent on-site by engineers and, in Bartec’s case, to make new technologies more accessible. Norbain’s Configuration Centre spent two days on-site, dedicated to providing support to the Bartec team.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise are very pleased with the system they’ve received. “Not only does it provide the quality of images we need, but the placement of the cameras has been carried out very intelligently to reduce the number required.”
Looking at the system now in place, Scott concludes, “The system supports our positioning as a high-end business park. Just as we look for companies with innovation in their process, so the system matches this aim.”
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